Sustainability governance
Our sustainability governance structure is embedded in our existing organizational structures and operations, ensuring that sustainability is fully integrated into the day-to-day operational processes of bpostgroup.
ESG Committee
In accordance with Article 18, §3 of the Articles of Association, the bpost Board has set up an environmental, social and governance committee (the “ESG Committee”). The ESG Committee advises the Board principally on matters regarding the bpost ESG strategy and activities, including the preparation and implementation of ESG initiatives and supporting the group in developing a position as a global leader in ESG performance. They quarterly monitor and discuss progress and initiatives.
- Board of Directors, assisted by the ESG Committee
As the company’s ultimate decision-making body, the Board has oversight of all ESG responsibilities, including approval of ESG strategies and review of ESG performance.
- Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer, assisted by the Group Sustainability team
Responsible for execution and management of all ESG matters, including identifying ESG risks and opportunities and coordination of sustainability initiatives throughout the group.
- ESG Squad Leaders and Target Owners
Embedded across the business and responsible for coordination, implementation and reporting of ESG matters and initiatives relevant to business units